Course curriculum

    1. Opening Credits

    2. Forward

    3. Chapter 1: Introduction

    1. Chapter 2: Evaluating K9 Candidates

    2. Chapter 3: Prey Training Basics

    3. Chapter 4: Defense Training Basics

    4. Chapter 5: Drive Channeling in the Prey Dominant Dog

    5. Chapter 6: Drive Channeling in the Defense Dominant Dog

    6. Chapter 7: Working in the Bite Suite

    7. Chapter 8: Fundamental Human Orientation Exercises

    1. Chapter 9: Guarding: Sit, Down, and the Hold & Bark

    2. Chapter 10: Out on Command

    3. Chapter 11: Redirects and the Out & Return

    4. Chapter 12: The Call-Off

    1. Appendix 1: The Dog Sports of Europe

    2. Appendix 2: Suggested Equipment

    3. Appendix 3: Basic Attention Training & Heeling

    4. Appendix 4: Off Leash Training & Using the E-Collar

    1. Disclaimer

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content